SUBSTR function in Sql

The SUBSTR functions allows you to extract a substring from a string. The syntax for the substr function is:
SUBSTR ( string, start_position, [ length ] )
  • string is the source string.
  • start_position is the position for extraction. The first position in the string is always 1.
  • length is optional. It is the number of characters to extract. If this parameter is omitted, substr will return the entire string.

  • If start_position is 0, then SUBSTR treats start_position as 1 (ie: the first position in the string).
  • If start_position is a positive number, then SUBSTR starts from the beginning of the string.
  • If start_position is a negative number, then SUBSTR starts from the end of the string and counts backwards.
  • If length is a negative number, then SUBSTR will return a NULL value.

For Example:
  1. SUBSTR ('This is a Informatica blog', 11, 11) return 'Informatica'
  2. SUBSTR ('This is a Informatica blog', 11) return 'Informatica blog'
  3. SUBSTR ('This is a Informatica blog', -4, 4) return 'Blog'
  4. SUBSTR ('This is a Informatica blog', -16, 4) return 'Info'


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